Brutal Simplicity of Thought by M&C Saatchi
No book explains the importance of simplicity in storytelling better than this one.
Eight Letters to a Young Writer by Teju Cole
It clearly and methodically outlines what good writing is and how to become a better writer, one chapter at a time.
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
This is Stephen King at his best. He uses personal experiences to show you how you can write almost as well as he does.
Writing Tools by Roy Peter Clark
This is, for me, the most practical book on writing.
The Choice Factory by Richard Shotton
To be a great communicator, you have to understand how people think. This book helps with that.
Creative Blindness and How to Cure It by Dave Trott
One of the easiest books to read about how to find great ideas.
The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu
The world of media has changed, and the Internet is the most influential factor in that. But how did we get here?
The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille
You can’t be globally relevant if you don’t understand how culture influences people worldwide.
Good Strategy/Bad Strategy by Richard P. Rumelt
Personally my favourite book on how to think about strategy.
21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
It contains well-throughout ideas about understanding our current ways of life and what the future might hold.
Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
You won’t always have all the facts before making big decisions. But you can create a framework that helps you make smart decisions nonetheless. This book helps with that.
The Metaverse by Matthew Ball
The future will very likely be different from the present, and there’s always a process through which that will happen. This book provides an interesting way to think about what future technology will look like.
The Craft of Writing Effectively
How to Improve your Clarity of Thought
Starting to Write: Write Every Day But Set Your Limit
How To Speak by Patrick Winston
The Psychology of Digital Marketing by Rory Sutherland
Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Snap Judgment (Storytelling Podcast)
Dan Brown’s Masterclass
Jeff Goins’ 500 Words Writing Challenge